Sunday, January 10, 2010

10/10/10 ... 9 months from today

Nine months from today is still a feasible amount of time to get H.R. 676 passed into law by 10/10/10, but it will take some quick decision-making to have a focus of individuals and groups, especially large groups, on educating each other about Medicare for All and it benefits and invite people to sign up at the website.

We need:
1) believers in the vision of flooding at least 435 offices with envelopes each month and
2) doers regarding telling Americans what Medicare for All is, what the benefits are, and getting Americans to quickly ramp up the degree of participants.

The Plan:
Establish Knowledge and Numbers:
1. Establish the knowledge in the minds of Americans
about the benefits of an improved Medicare for All
to help people welcome the change.
2. Establish necessary numbers of participants
as seen at the Status graph, climbing to one million.

The Strategy:
A Million Citizens: More Power Than Lobbyists
