Monday, March 7, 2011

6 Supporters in U.S. Senate

Five U.S. Senators
(and possibly 6)
identified as supporters for
Improved Medicare for All

via single-payer health care.

Challenge. Since no U.S. Senator actively supports and promotes and educates Americans regarding Improved Medicare for All via single-payer health care ... with ONE plan and ONE payer ... and the handful are waiting for some demonstration that there is more "political will", it has taken much time and research to identify the handful of supporters.

Good News About 5.  The good news is that we now have the highest number of supporters ever recorded in the Senate section of the single-payer movement's Support Monitor

We need to confirm the 6th.  Note: we will check with Senator Bernie Sanders to confirm that he would vote for a one plan and one payer health-care-for-all system.

How to Get 67 to Establish the Political Will.  To help get the necessary 67 U.S. Senators who will be needed to help ensure that the best law is developed for the best health-care-for-all system, Americans can join the Million Letters for Health Care Campaign.

It's time for the United States to implement the best health-care-for-all system. Other countries implemented theirs between the 1880's and 1980's, giving the U.S. over 100 years to do the same. Now it's our turn. Ours will be the best of all.

Sign Up Now.

We can and will get Improved Medicare for All.

Bob Haiducek, Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate on behalf of the members of the Medicare for All Teams who bring you the Million Letters for Health Care Campaign and the Medicare for All website.