Another no-bills experience.
This afternoon an American man sitting in his car at a supermarket parking lot commented about my large (3.5 inch) Medicare for All button.
During the chat he shared an experience of a Canadian young man who was in a horrible automobile accident. One of the results of the accident is that the young man's liver was ripped from his body. After the young man's recovery his friends and relatives in the United States learned that there was no medical bill involved.
The American man, an elderly person, is mad that it seems like Medicare is being taken away from us in the United States, while other countries get health care.
When we ramp up our education and communications campaign, we will then be headed stronger than ever toward Americans having no-bills health care experiences.
Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".