All is well.
I had a frightening thought, then recovered. There's no need to panic. We, the American people, will be the ones with the power, not the politicians, not the opposition.
Some activists for health care for all (that is, single-payer health care, improved Medicare for All) are probably very excited. If I recall correctly from my glances at articles during this week of Supreme Court discussions, there has been some degree of comment(s) among Supreme Court Justices that referenced health care for all (as noted). At its extreme, a change of direction the U.S. Congress could establish and pass health care for all -- universal health care -- single-payer health care -- IMPROVED Medicare for All.
If anyone is thinking that, I suggest that you come back to reality as I quickly did. If that passage of a law occurred, the details would assuredly NOT be what we want. Somehow, some way, the members of Congress would mess it up. It certainly would not look like H.R. 676.
Fortunately, any "progress" like that is still not possible ... for the obvious reasons that have been in place for decades. We must establish the power of the people first so that the American people are mentally prepared for change and so that some of those informed citizens (voters) will establish the political will that the politicians say is missing.
Some might call that "fighting". So be it. At the Medicare for All website we word it like this: "Millions of informed citizens communicating: more power than the opposition’s media and lobbyists." We can and will establish that power. The law be what we, the people, want.
Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".