Examples of advance
preparation activities.
preparation activities.
In my last post I referred to a conversation that was initiated by a man who noticed my large 3.5-inch Medicare for All button. That man probably noticed it because it is large enough to be seen at a distance. I like it much better than the smaller 2.25-inch button for that reason of visibility.
Here is a combination of actions of what I do in the way of advance preparations, which I started in July:
1. I carry a very small notebook for writing down e-mail addresses and names. I protect it in some way. I either have it in my shirt pocket or I put it in my camera bag, attached to my waist belt, with or without the camera.
2. My increased use of that large button is one of my ways of doing some advance preparations, now that we know we are months, not years, of launching the increased promotion of the education and communications campaign "Million Letters for Health Care".
3. When I am interacting someone ** about another subject ... whether I am wearing the button or not, if the situation and amount of time allows it, I mention that I work on getting health care for everyone in the country. As the subsequent conversation proceeds, I often ask if the person wants me to contact them when the website is ready. If yes, then I write their email address and name in the small notebook. If they have no email address, I just note their name and where I saw them, especially if they are a worker in a store.
** The majority of the time the "someone" is a woman who appears to me to be in her 20's or older. It has been my experience that women tend to be more likely than men to care about health and health care.
Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".