Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pre-Startup Home Page

Pre-Startup Home Page 

The home page was updated today to indicate what is coming with the new campaign: 10 Million Americans for Health Care. 
Remember: We can and will get universal health care, Improved Medicare for All.

Happy Holidays!
By Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf
of myself and the entire Campaign Management Team
... also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "10 Million Americans for Health Care".

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Know" page as of 11/12/13

"Know" page is available
as of 11/12/13

Remember: We can and will get universal health care,
Improved Medicare for All. Further field testing continues to confirm that reality via contacts with individual Americans in additional states. The same field testing continues to confirm the need, such as a married person in Tennessee with a $245,000 bill and a single, bankrupt person in Illinois with a $16,000 bill.

As of today the "Know" page is ready to help Americans inform themselves of important information related to this topic. As with all web pages, we use a continuous improvement process, so please communicate ideas for improvement for this very important page. We will try to reduce its length if that's possible, but Americans very much need to know specific facts and read specific real life experiences of Americans who live and work in OTHER countries who have no major bills or bankruptcies caused by medical bills..

The campaign management team added another major action that will occur during the 10 Million Americans for Health Care Campaign. That decision pushes the start-up date to sometime in 2014, but you can be assured that important progress has been and is being made in the preparations. What we need is money. It would be very worthwhile for you to help donate to help raise the $37,000 to start up the campaign with continued adequate technical support.

We can get this job done within years, not decades, by following just one strategy, which is "inform and invite":
   -- inform ... to educate ourselves
                       to maximize the power of the people
   -- invite   ... to communicate to Congress
                       to demonstrate the power of the people

By Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf
of myself and the entire Campaign Management Team
... also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "10 Million Americans for Health Care".

Do you want to help?   If so, contact Bob.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Another 9-9; Another Year

Another 9-9:
Another Year Passed Today

without universal health care but with definite indications that it will come.

It's now four years past the suggested target of 9-9-09 for establishing a law for Improved Medicare for All: September 9, 2009.

However, indications are clear from individual Americans that we will get it. I did some field testing of that during the month of August. I realize that this is anecdotal data, but it's what I noticed during conversations from New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri and on through Illinois and Michigan.

Americans seem more ready to me than ever before.

It is time to take action so that we can reap the benefits of universal health care:
-- improved access
-- better economy
-- better health from the improved access
-- more freedoms for health care choices and life choices

We are looking forward to starting up the improved sign-up and participation procedures by sometime in the fourth quarter of 2013.

We can get this job done within years, not decades, by following just one strategy, which is "inform and invite":
   -- inform ... to educate ourselves
                       to maximize the power of the people
   -- invite   ... to communicate to Congress
                       to demonstrate the power of the people

By Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf
of myself and the entire Campaign Management Team
... also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "10 Million Americans for Health Care".

Do you want to help?   If so, contact Bob.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Chair Positions Update

Chair Positions Update
for the
Support Monitor.

Every ten years the U.S. Census results are used to adjust the number of U.S. Congressional Districts among the states. Some states then have fewer districts, while others gain in the number of districts.

These changes are like the game "musical chairs" with some states having quite a shuffle of positions for the U.S. Representatives in the U.S. House.

One state gained four districts due to the "redistricting"! (That state is Texas.)

1 - Current (2013): Updates have been made to our database for both the U.S. House (above) and the U.S. Senate. The members of Congress are updated, and we are now reviewing their single-payer positions. If you have any questions or input about the positions of your members of the U.S. Congress, then please contact Bob.

2 - Future (2014 through the expected duration of 2016): It will be best to have a 2-3 person team, probably no more than 5, doing the needed internet searches to monitor their Representative's documented public position regarding single-payer health care. The monitoring includes the U.S. Representative's communications directly from them and also indirectly via the documentation of speeches by political reporters. When there is a clear (rock solid) position of support, then the lead person of the team will contact us so that the U.S. Rep can be logged as a supporter in the Single-Payer Support Monitor. Similar small teams will also be helpful to have in place for each U.S. Senator.  Optionally, the individual members of Congress have always had the option of communicating to the campaign directly, as indicated by a special delivery communication of June 2007 at their Washington D.C. offices.

This is another project
that is being completed
prior to the campaign start-up.

Please donate now
to allow the campaign to start-up
when all final projects have been completed!

We can get this job done within years, not decades, by following just one strategy, which is "inform and invite":
   -- inform ... to educate Americans
                       to maximize the power of the people
   -- invite   ... to communicate to Congress
                       to demonstrate the power of the people

Special thanks to current donors!

To everyone else:
please add yourself to our list of donors!

If you are not sure you can afford a monthly donation, 
then please donate only $1 or $2 per month.

If you can afford a monthly donation, then
please donate $5 to $10 per month
or $15 or $20 or more.
Expected duration: through December 2016
for reaching our goal of Congress' support.

Option: do one-time donation.
Go here to see all the options.

By Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf
of myself and the entire Campaign Management Team
... also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "10 Million Americans for Health Care".

Rich the Poster Patient encouraged people to donate. He was my brother 11 years young than me. Over some years his cancer spread, causing the three amputations of his right leg. His cancer gradually spread further. He died in June 2013. The campaign is dedicated not only to Rich, but to all those Americans who have suffered and are suffering unnecessary hardships due to the lack of universal health care in the United States. 


Remember the results of the first field test. When we did our first field test of this campaign the participants signed up from 80% of the 435 U.S. Congressional Districts. It was an amazing degree of success considering that there was NO promotion of the campaign that could have explained that result.

Questions?  Do you have a question, especially about the needed money to run the campaign? If so, contact Bob.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Index Navigation Improved

The navigation is improved for finding what you want at the Index page of the website.

Index Navigation Improved

The INDEX page

is better than ever ...

... and it will continue to get better!

Please donate now
to allow the campaign to start-up
when the final projects have been completed!

We can get this job done within years, not decades, by following just one strategy, which is "inform and invite":
   -- inform ... to educate Americans
                       to maximize the power of the people
   -- invite   ... to communicate to Congress
                       to demonstrate the power of the people

Special thanks to current donors!

To everyone else:
please add yourself to our list of donors!

If you are not sure you can afford a monthly donation, 
then please donate only $1 or $2 per month.

If you can afford a monthly donation, then
please donate $5 to $10 per month
or $15 or $20 or more.
Expected duration: through December 2016
for reaching our goal of Congress' support.

Option: do one-time donation.
Go here to see all the options.

By Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf
of myself and the entire Campaign Management Team
... also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "10 Million Americans for Health Care".

Rich the Poster Patient encouraged people to donate. He was my brother 11 years young than me. Over some years his cancer spread, causing the three amputations of his right leg. His cancer gradually spread further. He died in June 2013. The campaign is dedicated not only to Rich, but to all those Americans who have suffered and are suffering unnecessary hardships due to the lack of universal health care in the United States. 


Remember the results of the first field test. When we did our first field test of this campaign the participants signed up from 80% of the 435 U.S. Congressional Districts. It was an amazing degree of success considering that there was NO promotion of the campaign that could have explained that result.

Questions?  Do you have a question, especially about the needed money to run the campaign? If so, contact Bob.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

One and Only ! ! !

We want the best universal health care in the world: U.S. single-payer health care, Improved Medicare for All.

Part 1 of the Campaign's
Only Major Fund-Raiser

Funding for
Campaign Plan
Phase 1

Our campaign's poster patient Richard is counting
on you to help him achieve his #1 Bucket List Item,
which is to get people to donate for this campaign.
His cancer is now spreading faster; he
encourages you to donate generously,
as your budget allows, for this
very important campaign.

Please donate now!

We can get this job done within years, not decades, by following just one strategy of inform and invite:
   -- inform ... to educate Americans
                       to maximize the power of the people
   -- invite   ... to communicate to Congress
                       to demonstrate the power of the people

So let's get this done with the plan that's in place, which starts with the funding of the plan via your use of the donate page.

Special thanks to current donors!

To everyone else:
please add yourself to our list of donors!

If you are not sure you can afford a monthly donation, 
then please donate only $1 or $2 per month.

If you can afford a monthly donation, then please donate $5 or $10 or $15 or $20 or more per month.
Go here to see all the options.

- Bob

Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".

** You will be learning more about Rich the Poster Patient, who will encourage even more people to donate. He is my brother 11 years young than me. Over some years his cancer spread, causing the three amputations of his right leg. His cancer spread to his lungs and more recently to other parts of his body. His slow-spreading cancer is now described by the doctors and nurses as a fast-spreading cancer. And his amount of pain is increasing. 


Successful field test. When we did our first field test of this campaign the participants signed up from 80% of the 435 U.S. Congressional Districts. It was an amazing degree of success considering that there was NO promotion of the campaign that could have explained that result.

Questions?  Do you have a question? If so, contact me.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Address change

Address Change to

As part of our preparations for the robust start-up of the campaign, the internet address of this blog is now changed:
from OLD ----
    to NEW ----

This is effective immediately.

Sorry about any inconvenience, but it's time to shed the past goal of 9/9/2009, which was missed by the single-payer movement by a long shot. It's now time to simply focus on getting the necessary education and coordination (that is building of the Health Care Patriots Citizens Coalition).

We will now get this job done.

- Bob

Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".

Don't worry.

Don't worry and
be ready for an excellent
update of the campaign plan!

BIG BUT FEASIBLE. Our challenge of getting universal health care within years and NOT decades is big, but feasible.

One of the reasons I know that is the input I received from a family-owned convenience store owner.

DON'T WORRY. The nice lady told me "Don't worry, we'll support you."

And there have been many other very supportive words.

Please let her words support you too.

Let's get this done.

The update / refinement of the campaign plan is going VERY well. The last review meeting included comments about it being an excellent, ambitious plan especially if Americans support it. Be ready!

- Bob

Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bulgarian input

Bulgarian's Input
I am finishing my 3rd day of 4 days in Chicago, during which I accomplished much . 

I spoke with a bus driver who is originally from Bulgaria.

He made several comments about how costly the United States health care system is to a patient compared to the cost in Bulgaria, where the cost is zero.

This morning over breakfast I met with a 30-year old young man from Taiwan who taught me something about Taiwanese health care. He said that everyone must pay a separate payment for their health insurance. It sounds like they have something that is not automatically taken out of taxes, such as our planned increase of our Medicare payroll tax by a few percent that would be the impact on most Americans in the United States. (The exact percentage is to be determined when Congress establishes universal health care.)

For information about the 12-12-12 launch of the Million Letters for Health Care Campaign, go here.

This effort continues to be very exciting as it will be for all of us who want universal health care! My continued thanks to everyone!

- Bob

Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".