"Know" page is available
as of 11/12/13
The campaign management team added another major action that will occur during the 10 Million Americans for Health Care Campaign. That decision pushes the start-up date to sometime in 2014, but you can be assured that important progress has been and is being made in the preparations. What we need is money. It would be very worthwhile for you to help donate to help raise the $37,000 to start up the campaign with continued adequate technical support.
as of 11/12/13
Remember: We can and will get universal health care,
Improved Medicare for All. Further field testing continues to confirm that reality via contacts with individual Americans in additional states. The same field testing continues to confirm the need, such as a married person in Tennessee with a $245,000 bill and a single, bankrupt person in Illinois with a $16,000 bill.
As of today the "Know" page is ready to help Americans inform themselves of important information related to this topic. As with all web pages, we use a continuous improvement process, so please communicate ideas for improvement for this very important page. We will try to reduce its length if that's possible, but Americans very much need to know specific facts and read specific real life experiences of Americans who live and work in OTHER countries who have no major bills or bankruptcies caused by medical bills..
Improved Medicare for All. Further field testing continues to confirm that reality via contacts with individual Americans in additional states. The same field testing continues to confirm the need, such as a married person in Tennessee with a $245,000 bill and a single, bankrupt person in Illinois with a $16,000 bill.
As of today the "Know" page is ready to help Americans inform themselves of important information related to this topic. As with all web pages, we use a continuous improvement process, so please communicate ideas for improvement for this very important page. We will try to reduce its length if that's possible, but Americans very much need to know specific facts and read specific real life experiences of Americans who live and work in OTHER countries who have no major bills or bankruptcies caused by medical bills..
The campaign management team added another major action that will occur during the 10 Million Americans for Health Care Campaign. That decision pushes the start-up date to sometime in 2014, but you can be assured that important progress has been and is being made in the preparations. What we need is money. It would be very worthwhile for you to help donate to help raise the $37,000 to start up the campaign with continued adequate technical support.
We can get this job done within years, not decades, by following just one strategy, which is "inform and invite":
-- inform ... to educate ourselves
to maximize the power of the people
-- invite ... to communicate to Congress
to demonstrate the power of the people
By Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf
of myself and the entire Campaign Management Team
... also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "10 Million Americans for Health Care".
Do you want to help? If so, contact Bob.