Sunday, September 9, 2007

Good Health for All

Nine-Oh-Nine! is starting this month --- and today is exactly two years before 9-9-09! It's an opportunity to look forward to not only Health Care for All but also Good Health for All.

Here is a health challenge for you for the period of 9-7-09 to 9-9-09.

If you should lose weight and gain strength, then do it ...
with a medical professional's guidance.

When you read Dr. Bob LeBow's book Health Care Meltdown, you will see his view that Health Care for All "is only the first step towards a larger goal: good health for all." See page 250.

In the spirit of good health I am committed to getting back to a good body weight and a good level of strength.

I encourage you to make a similar commitment: with a medical professional's guidance, please get to a good weight and good level of strength for optimal health, if you recognize a need in either one of these areas. For myself I find that doing a minimum of 1.5 miles or 30 minutes, whichever comes first, is a good "bare minimum" amount of activity every day.

--- Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate

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