Monday, March 23, 2009

... Go ...

Based on the enthusiasm and excitement expressed so far it looks like the Million Letters for Health Care Campaign will be one of the biggest grassroots activities that the United States has ever seen.

The first official month of the campaign is April, during which time I and others will be notifying many more Americans about this opportunity to do the following 10 Minutes-a-Month Activity:

1 letter in the U.S. Mail to 1 person (U.S. Representative) 1 time per month after getting 1 reminder on the 1st of the month.

We need to work in our districts to get 2,299 in each district to sign up for the campaign by Getting Monthly Reminders.

The 2,299 participants in each of the 435 U.S. Congressional Districts equals a total of 1 million people.

Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate

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