We can and will get H.R. 676 passed into law by 10/10/10 by Americans focusing on the following ingredients for success:
Mission = Legislate, Implement and Maintain an Improved Medicare for All
Vision = "The United States has improved Medicare for All."
Strategy = A Million Citizens: More Power Than Lobbyists
Goal = One Million Participants, making excellent progress on this by July 4, 2010 to celebrate our progress to new freedoms
Plan = Knowledge and Numbers: knowledge to embrace the positive change and numbers of participants in each U.S. Congressional District to make the positive change happen
We can and will get Improved Medicare for All via this truly grassroots activity of individual Americans. The result is peace of mind due to our new Freedoms, which are health care and lifestyle choices without unnecessary financial, physical and emotional stress
Read the details at these web pages.
Mission, Vision, Strategy, Goal, and Plan
Monitor the Status of climbing to one million.
Thank you so much for loving your Country-people so much! Too many people are dying because of the greed of health insurance providers. We can do this. I am just so proud of your efforts and will what I can to spread the word. Seeing the Movie finally, Sicko, was what I needed to be reminded that people are dying because of greed. We can stop this from happening if we learn to love people enough.
THANKS for all you are doing to achieve healthcare for all!. I wonder if all those folks out there complaining on blogs, Facebook etc. realize that if they SIGNED UP with Million Letters For Health Care Campaign-www.medicareforall.org that we COULD, indeed eventually document educated, favorable constituents in every Congressional district. Then we'd have evidence against a few teabagging resisters and document proof to push forward with a single payer financing plan. Nobody Out, Everybody In!
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