Similar status today
as recent years.
as recent years.
We did not get improved Medicare for All by the target date of the Nine-Nine-Oh-Nine! (9/9/09) campaign ... and ... we don't have it today ... 11/11/11.
But ... definite progress in campaign preparations has been made, as noted below at "Bright Spots!".
And ... our strong commitment remains. Those of us who have worked and are working on the content of this website and the Million Letters for Health Care Campaign know that we can and will get improved Medicare for All. We will accomplish our mission and realize our vision.
Therefore ... I'll mention just few of the results of the excellent efficiency. The cost will drop dramatically. The unnecessary hardships will no longer occur. We'll halt the unnecessary deaths under age 75 (due to preventable causes) continue. And we will SAVE OUR MOTHERS: stop the unnecessary deaths due to our very poor maternal mortality. Our health care for all system will be the most efficient, the best in the world.
We will have peace of mind, as indicated at that Peace of Mind web page and by the testimonials of Americans who live and work in other free-market countries.
Bright spots!
There are some bright spots.
— 67% of 255,213 Americans within one state (MA) voted "yes" for single payer at the ballot box in a non-binding resolution. Why is there such strong support in the state of Massachusetts? Follow the links about the Massachusetts law and about the citizens hatred of that law, which was the model for the creation of the Affordable Care Act of 2010. In parallel with the hatred for the current law Massachusetts citizens have been informing their fellow citizens of single payer, improved Medicare for All.
— As indicated by the above Massachusetts' 67% support ... and as indicated by the continued efforts of single-payer activists in single-payer organizations across the United States ... the awareness among Americans is very gradually increasing.
— The preparations continue for a more dramatic rate of increase in informed Americans. Definite progress in campaign preparations has been made. We continue to make progress related to this website and our preparations for the associated education and communications campaign called Million Letters for Health Care ... one of the biggest citizen actions that will ever be seen in the United States. Progress has been made both visibly and behind-the-scenes. That progress continues with much team-work and dedication among part-time volunteers.
The website content and resources continues to be refined and expanded. Additional promotional products continue to be established ... and will include clothing products for women as well as men. The 10-inch x 3-inch Medicare for All magnet is just one example of one of the great promotional products that has been made available to date.
Look and feel unified
to help us BE unified!
Please donate to help
this massive campaign
be feasible!
Bob Haiducek, Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".
to help us BE unified!
And please "send" money — We need more donations to be able to proceed with this campaign. The website and database development bills have stacked up, and the on-going cost of running the campaign is going to ramp up fast as soon as the promotion of the campaign ramps up. All other kinds of preparations have been made and are being made. Now money preparations must be made. After you become informed and have signed up, please go to the donate page.
this massive campaign
be feasible!
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