Saturday, June 19, 2010

Forever Grateful

We are forever grateful.

This is a campaign status blog, and here is part of the status ...

One of the continuous aspects of the status of this campaign is the set of contributions that have been made during the three years it's taken to get to this point. There's been help from a whole lot of Americans, including one who lives and works in Japan.

I will be forever grateful for those contributions. It's been quite a team effort.

Another one of the continuous aspects of the status is how I and others are motivated. There are so many reasons that a person could use to quit this cause. One thing that motivates is thoughts of all those hardships which literally never occur in other countries, because individual citizens don't go into medical debt, which is unheard of. They don't have medical bankruptcies, suicides and other varying degrees of horror. Another thing is the receipt of so many messages over time of appreciation of our work and encouragement to keep on going with the efforts.

We who have worked and contributed to this effort will be forever grateful for those contributions.

We can and will get Improved Medicare for All.

Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Six Countries


Six countries with 244 years of success at providing high quality health care at a low cost relative to the United States.

GO HERE to see the results of my recent data analysis of the USA compared to the six countries.

Comparisons: bar chart comparisons of:
the USA performance for its 310 million citizens
compared to the average performance of the other six countries for their total of 370 million citizens.

The Countries. The following countries are superstars when it comes to minimizing deaths under age 75 due to preventable diseases, thus having a low rate of amenable mortality:
Australia, Canada, France, Japan, Italy, and Spain.
those countries are at the top out of a list of 19; the USA is at the bottom.

My very best regards,

Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate

P.S. About the 244 years of experience:

Australia 36 years, Canada 38 years, France 65 years
Japan 49 years , Italy 32 years, and Spain 24 years.

GO HERE to see the current health care situation in terms of health care outcomes and health care costs.