Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No Senate Equivalent

No U.S. Senate Equivalent.

Yesterday many communications occurred about U.S. Senate bill S.915 by Senator Bernie Sanders, which is not an equivalent of H.R. 676.

It is important to know that his bill and the corresponding bill in the U.S. House have no relationship to H.R. 676, the bill which would establish Improved Medicare for All via single-payer health Care.

Refer to the following web pages for more information:

HR676 compared to S.703 (now S.915)
Senator Bernie Sanders: a request for his position

Bob Haiducek, Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the Medicare for All website and the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care" Campaign.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Education and Communications

Education and Communications.

What the Million Letters for Health Care Campaign is all about. 

Education. Millions of Americans becoming informed about Improved Medicare for All basics: facts, testimonials, and frequently asked questions.

In case some Americans want more, we provide much more: links to more facts, more testimonials, a very large set of answers to questions and concerns and a commitment to continuous improvement of what we provide to you.

Communications.  Millions of informed citizens, communicating monthly to the U.S. Congress, is more powerful than the opposition's lobbyists and media!

It's time for the United States to implement the best health-care-for-all system. Other countries implemented theirs between 1883 and 1975, giving the U.S. over 100 years to do the same. Now it's our turn. Ours will be the best of all.
Sign Up Now.

We can and will get Improved Medicare for All.

Bob Haiducek, Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of the Americans who have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the Medicare for All website and the Million Letters for Health Care Campaign.