Monday, February 6, 2012

Lost member

Lost a member among
the Medicare for All teams.

In January 2012 Robin Elizabeth Nadeau died.

From her obituary:
" ... Robin never accepted the possibility that there was not hope, and had indomitable faith that ordinary people, working together, could achieve important things. In inspiring others with her enormous energy and her passion for liberty, equality, justice, and the care of our planet, she proved this to be true."

To Robin: We will maintain hope. Like you clearly knew, we know that we can and will get single-payer health care, improved Medicare for All.

Maintain hope like Robin did!

Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate, on behalf of myself and also all the Americans who ... including Robin Nadeau ... have contributed in an excellent teamwork manner to bring you the education and communications campaign titled "Million Letters for Health Care".